Nursing Excellence at Hendry Regional Medical Center
Nurses are an integral part of Hendry Regional Medical Center. In support of HRMC's mission, our nursing team is committed to ensuring the delivery of quality, compassionate, and competent nursing care.
There are many keywords that describe our nursing culture - our nurses care, inspire, educate, inform, plan, support, collaborate, and implement. Nursing practice evolves around the vision to be nationally recognized as a nursing culture, committed to excellence, professionalism, quality outcomes, patient/family centered care, and collaborative practices.
Nursing is a profession that takes a tremendous amount of heart, caring, and dedication. HRMC has been providing excellent nursing care to the community for more than 50 years. There are several specialty areas of nursing represented at HRMC:
●Medical/Surgical Nurses care for those patients admitted with medical illness and in need of surgical care following an operation.
●Critical Care Nurses administer care to patients needing a higher level of specialized care due to their severity of illness or injury in the Critical Care Unit.
●Outpatient Service Nurses provide care to patients needing interventional pain therapy, interventional radiological procedures, blood transfusions and other procedures including ambulatory surgery.
●Operating Room Nurses provide care to patients during an operative procedure and while recovering from anesthesia.
●Dr. James D. Forbes Family Care Center, Hendry Regional Convenient Care Center, and Hendry Regional Clinic Nurses provide care to patients and assist in important aspects of care such as discharge planning, and provide essential education for all patients and others in the community.
These dedicated healthcare professionals continue their educational processes by renewing certifications, attending seminars and classes, and keeping current on healthcare best practice. Our Employee Education Department ensures staff competency and patient education resources. This is just another way that HRMC nurses provide excellent care to our guests.
Hendry Regional Medical Center's Nurse Recruitment
If you have any questions about HRMC's Nursing family please contact The Chief Nursing Officer at 863-902-3068.